How it works


Sign up or log in to start earning straight away.


Automatically collect points with every purchase.


Redeem your points for discount codes.

Earn points for every order placed

The more you spend, the more you save.

Redeem points for rewards

Redeem points on your next purchase, or save them up for higher value rewards.

Cosy Points

Answers to most common questions about our loyalty program
How do I redeem my points?

Log in to your account, and then through our handy quick-access rewards portal on the bottom right hand side of the screen, scroll down and click "ways to redeem". This will take you to a page where you can view and redeem your points, choosing to redeem will generate a single use code that you can enter at checkout. Another way you can view/redeem points is through one of our "you've earned a reward!" emails, so keep an eye out for these!

How many points do I need before I can redeem?

Once you've earned 250 points you can begin saving

How do points translate into savings?

You earn 10 Points for every £1 spent on your orders with us, and then once you reach 100 points, you've earned £1 back. Here are a few more examples:

500 pts = £5

250 pts = £2.50

125 pts = £1.25